Terms & Conditions - For Book Authors

Terms & Conditions - Book Authors
Countries & Communications
Use our services from any country. The law that applies is English law.
You may request editing in British English or American English.
Just Copyeditors will provide a mobile telephone number and email address to reach us at all times.
Our editors will work nights, national holidays and weekends as necessary, processing work as quickly as possible. However, please understand there is a work queue in operation and that work is usually undertaken in the order of receipt.
All fees are given in £ (GBP) and $ (USD) but Just Copyeditors will help you to convert our rates to your currency when asked to.
You may request fixed rates in your own currency, avoiding the uncertainties of exchange rate fluctuations.
You will have the same editor throughout your time with us; it is a personal, 1-1 service.
If you're a fiction author, you will work only with Annie; nobody else will handle your work or your payments, or need to communicate with you. This keeps communications clear and friendly, also allowing a great relationship to build.
We never take on too much work, completing what we have in the queue before re-advertising. This way, when you see our ads, you know we're truly available to work with you. Delivering work that maintains Annie's 5* reviews (never received a bad testimonial!) is the priority.
Multi-Edit Packages
The package is our most cost-effective deal. Submit anything you've produced and not yet published, up to the word limit for the deal you're buying. Note: these used to be 'annual deals' which meant they expired after a year. No longer! Just buy the word allowance you need--bearing in mind they're scarce!--and it won't expire until you've used all your words.
This makes it cost-effective to buy now, use later--protecting your per-word low fee against our price rises.
Packages work on a fair-use basis, which means all writers should have broadly equal service access and editing time. This is why we don't encourage annual package buyers to send in old scripts or to have re-edits of already-published books, since this will tie up Annie to a degree where we cease to serve the whole community. As every client only submits new work, this keeps the correct pacing and time gaps between the edits for different authors.
As long as you're thoughtful and considerate in your submissions, we'll manage it just fine. Multi-edit clients do get certain timing advantages since it's easier to build regular edits into the queue for you.
If you do want a package where you can submit your older material, email editor@just-copyeditors.com. We will draw up something bespoke. However, do bear in mind that we uphold the highest quality standards so we will still want to ensure all our authors are cared for, not just the ones who send the most work!
Within any package, Just Copyeditors will assess your submissions and allocate the necessary time to your work, editing line by line as needed.
We do not expect you always to know if your work requires a copyedit, line edit, or simple proofreading; our approach is simply to treat scripts according to the quality you present.
If you're signing up to an package deal, your editor will find you the most cost-effective solution. Your editor will tell you when you're able to make savings due to good writing and guide you towards more cost-effective deals.
If you're interested in a multi-edit deal, you can send a sizable sample for a free edit before making a decision: just drop Annie a line and we will agree what size of sample you may send.
If you want to book a service, you can submit to us quickly and easily, or discuss it with us first.
To book right away:
- email Annie at anniejai222@gmail.com and/or editor@just-copyeditors.com, outlining what you need. Send a good % of your script so Annie can see the work standard. Wait for a response with a stated fee. Annie replies as soon as she sees a message, so it shouldn't be more than a half day.
- email back to say you accept the fee and the stated timings;
- receive Annie's invoice;
- pay the fee using Paypal. Send money to: editor@just-copyeditors.com (be careful to send to the correct address--no typos!) or ask for an invoice.
- then send your manuscript to: anniejai222@gmail.com
Send submissions in Microsoft Word as a .doc or .docx, unless your editor agrees to something else.
Submit documents as MS Word attachments, (.doc/.docx) avoiding cloud-based services. However, Google Docs is also used so please ask if you prefer to use this.
Editors work in the order of tasks' submission unless we agree to fast-track an urgent job for you.
Unless you're just submitting a piece for your editor's opinion on its flow, content or tone, make sure your submission is your final version. This does not mean you should have it proofread before we edit it; it means please send your script when you've completed the writing of your book and are no longer making changes to it!
Do not worry if you spot errors after sending in the material; your copyeditor will pick them up.
If you need to make structural or content changes after submitting for editing, notify your editor. That way, they won't continue editing a piece you're likely to change, thus preserving your word allowance and funds.
Provide your editor with a clean copy for fresh editing after making changes. Your editor will re-read the whole document each time you change it, ensuring no errors slipped in when you added new sections.
We work on a queue basis, editing each submission in the order of arrival.
We will always agree a finishing date. The usual timelines would be 10-14 days but we arrange dates 1-1 with every author, and you are kindly requested to allow up to thirty days because there are periods during which many clients submit at once. We do not believe in 'rush jobs' as these will lead to errors--so please be respectful and allow an appropriate length of time for your editor to work through the rest of the work in the queue, reaching yours in a natural order of play.
It helps if you specify the degree of urgency when first submitting the document and requesting an edit. See the website work queue; it's usually accurate.
Authors buying multi-edit packages will often get a better turnaround time just because Annie will sometimes be anticipating when your next book may land for editing. However, someone else's book will never be sidelined to fit yours in.
Formats and Software
Our editors work primarily on Windows, desktop-based devices. If an editor is in transit when you send work, they will attend to it on access to their laptop and desk.
Editors will acknowledge receipt of all work the same day, even when not at work.
Other Editorial Support
Your copyeditor will support you as closely as possible. Your work will be your editor's priority until it is finished and signed off. Send copy to us at any time of the day or night; that includes weekends and national holidays, so never feel you're intruding.
Package (multi-edit) clients can also submit items for feedback and opinion instead of editing, as required.
Perhaps you have different ideas for how to begin a book or a chapter? If you'd like a second opinion, use us as a sounding board.
If you'd simply like an editor's view at any stage in your book's preparation, just send it across or send a message with a question for discussion.
The service--in its previous guise--has operated since 2015 without any complaints. However, we take client dissatisfaction very seriously.
Please do not be afraid to tell Annie what you're unhappy with; we will do the same if it isn't working for us either!
Annie will communicate with you to reach an agreeable and urgent solution within twenty-four hours.
Should it prove impossible to reach a solution you're happy with, you may leave against a pro-rata refund. Please allow thirty days for the return of funds.
A pro-rata refund means we will pay you back for any unused word allocation and will send you our detailed calculations of the same. You will not be billed for any unsatisfactory final edit; this word allocation will form a part of the refunded fees.
We will, however, do our best to meet all your needs even after dissatisfaction; please advise us how we can best rectify the situation that led to your dissatisfaction and we will try to oblige.
We will never terminate your agreement; as long as you wish to work with us, we wish to work with you. We view issue-resolution as a normal part of any business agreement and we will show we value you as our client.
Please note that refunds are not given for under-used word allocations you bought. Once you have paid, it's up to you to make sure you keep on writing and submitting.
Efficiency & Fairness
Repeated edits of the same piece count towards your word allowance.
We have discovered that editing doesn't take longer than beta reading or proofreading so we just bundle it all together and you pay for the word allowance you need, across all work types. Initially, we used to treat beta reads as 'less work'--but they truly aren't! It takes a certain length of time to read a piece of a certain length; it's that simple.
Should your communications--rather than your editing--demand such high levels of attention that it works to the disadvantage of everyone else, we will guide you to avoid the same problems in future.
We wish to fairly distribute our services among our clients. No authors must be under-served due to others requiring a significantly greater share of our editors' time in messaging or otherwise.
However, as stated earlier, we do not terminate authors' agreements with us during an annual contract.
If we feel you are over-using our services compared to the usage of our other authors, we may decline your next renewal; this is only likely where your work or communications consistently demand more than your 'fair share' of editorial time.
Your editor will always make you aware if our service does not seem compatible with your needs, so we can discuss the issue openly. Do not be afraid to say what you feel. We always try to reach an agreement and move ahead productively; we do not want to lose clients either!
Fees & Annual Renewals
Our fees are displayed on the website.
We will never request more funds for a job or increase our fees once we have quoted for an editing task or accepted you as a package deal client.
We aim to always do our best in terms of affordability for regular clients; if you are a regular client and find you are struggling to afford our fees, please let us know.
Special offers are promoted on the website. Your editor will draw your attention to relevant offers when you are purchasing services. Offers are sometimes limited to a certain number of applicants but we will always try to accommodate you if you are a regular buyer.
The rate at which you sign up is binding for any year.
We will not increase your rate even if your work is unusually challenging. However, we may ask you to pay more attention to your work before sending it to us, should your error rate become unusually high. We reserve the right to send back to you any work we feel has not been adequately prepared before submitting it. All authors should check their work before sending it to any editor--having an editor on a multi-edit deal doesn't mean you should no longer pre-check your work.
You may renew your place as a package deal at whatever fee applies at the time.
If you wish to keep rates the same for a while, you'll need to buy several bundles right now while the rate is low; we can't offer renewals on old rates.
The fees quoted are fixed. Just Copyeditors will never increase the fees to any signed-up author, nor bill for any services included within the annual packages. There are no extra fees in respect of any annual service of copyediting, proofreading, beta reading, and line editing. Annie is also happy to write small parts for books on request if the author is struggling and if we feel we can help. Please be aware, however, that substantial ghostwriting on any book goes beyond our regular editing and enhancement services and will warrant a more costly quotation if this is what you require.
We treat every submission as if we signed a non-disclosure agreement--even if we didn't.
We will never discuss any aspect of the author or the nature or content of the author's work with any person or organisation, except to gain second opinions from colleagues on points of editing or the worthiness of a written piece to win a prize.
We will never discuss authors' pen names or real names and identities with anyone outside of Just Copyeditors. We will protect the identities of all our authors at all times.
Once you sign off a piece of editing, it will shortly be securely deleted from the editor's device using a multiple-pass deletion system. It cannot be retrieved once deleted.
We only retain documents for two weeks after the completion of any piece of editing; this is for your security. If you wish us to keep your work for a longer period or indefinitely, we're pleased to do so against your written instructions.
Where authors purchase from us any material we have written in-house, the copyright of the acquired piece is then owned by the purchasing author who may alter it any way they choose. The identity of the purchaser or the sold piece will never be discussed with other parties.
We use our author database solely in the pursuance of the editing services you purchased. We do not undertake email marketing nor any other form of marketing in which we would use your data.
We are strictly anti-spam and do not collect your details on any databases not directly used for the furtherance of your editing and proofreading arrangements.
Just Copyeditors will never contact you for marketing purposes, limiting communications to those concerning your current editing and proofreading tasks and your word allocation. You may be contacted once or twice a year when your editing package (word allowance) runs low, just in case you wish to renew at the advantageous rate before someone else takes the package.
You are the copyright holder of every piece of work you submit. Where we offer suggested copy changes to enhance your book, this copyright rests with you also.
The only gains we seek to make are the fair payments of our stipulated fees and objective service reviews in return for the editing and proofreading services we have outlined.
Where authors purchase from us any material we have written in-house, the copyright of the acquired piece is then owned by the purchasing author who may alter it any way they choose. The identity of the purchaser or the sold piece will never be discussed with other parties. We will never identify to anyone else the pieces we have written for you.
Unrealistic Work Requests
a) Impossible Turnarounds
Impossible turnaround requests can lead to undue hurry during editing, meaning mistakes are missed. Good editing requires a certain length of time.
The only thing that can 'give' when you apply undue pressure, is the quality of your editing. Our editors are deadline-conscious and will always adhere to their promises to deliver by a certain date.
b) Interrupted Editing
Whenever you need to insert new material after submitting it for editing, please change it and re-submit the whole document as a new, entire piece.
Copyeditors cannot insert new paragraphs or pages on your behalf.
Stop the edit, change the work and re-submit the whole item for editing. Your editor will prioritise your work when it comes back, putting it ahead of any other work and always ahead of any personal commitments or engagements.
Cessation of Services or Non-Delivery Due to Unforeseen Circumstances
Should Just Copyeditors cease to trade, you will receive a pro-rata refund for unused words EXCEPT for multi-edit packages that are over two years old. Any client who has not used their word allowance within two years would forfeit a refund of unused words in the event of our cessation of business. This is because--obviously--the promise to refund cannot continue indefinitely and two years would seem reasonable.
Cessation would only happen due to the accident, death or serious illness of both senior editors--Annie and Mollie--responsible for the care of book authors.
We have a bank of editors and ensure spare capacity in case one or more editors become incapacitated.
We also hold a significant proportion of our funds in a separate account, ensuring contingency funds should we need to repay anyone or bring in external help. Should you wish to see a screenshot of our contingency funds, please ask.
Please email: editor@just-copyeditors.com