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Indie Book Authors -- 2020
Submissions join the Work Queue. You can see what Annie's working on. When you submit, you'll receive an estimated return date and this will also be shown on the work queue but you may be surprised and receive it back early if prior edits for other authors run more smoothly than anticipated.
Once your date arrives, a 120,000-word epic novel takes about five editing days, while a 20,000-word novella takes around twenty-four hours. Assume 20,000 edited words a day unless your error rate is especially high.
If work turns out more challenging than anticipated and needs several corrections per line, this slows the queue for everyone, but Annie soon catches up.
Don't be deterred by a busy-looking queue. Some scripts can wait. Please just be fair if giving Annie a deadline; the system has to work for all authors. However, one thing you can be sure of is that Annie works flat out to complete to your desired date where stated--and many authors do set up pre-orders.
Payments are processed by PayPal--ask for an invoice or just 'send money' for the service you require, calculated according to the Fees page. You will hear from Annie very quickly if you send a payment and/or a script--generally, within an hour or so unless she is asleep!
The PayPal address to 'send money to: editor@just-copyeditors.com
Please check your accurate punctuation of this address--otherwise, your funds will float in the ether on PayPal till you claim them back. Only funds sent accurately to our address as above will reach us.
Those choosing annual deals/packages do get the chance to pay by credit card if desired, against receipt of our Paypal invoice. Ask if you need any help.
Funds must be received ahead of the editing task and you can be sure we won't let you down; check out all the Testimonials for reassurance! Every testimonial received is shown and we can also provided 1-1 referees on request.
Annie works up to a 16-hour day to edit that daily target of 20,000 words, so earns lower than the national minimum wage for a lot of dedication and hard work. It's the work obtained via publishers, agencies, and third-party platforms that subsidises all the work done for independent book authors. Otherwise, it would not be possible to work at these rates.