Loyalty Rewards 2019
Facebook Ads

Annual Clients' Loyalty Rewards 2019
Expert, targeted Facebook (and partner) ads
Our editor Annie is an expert Facebook marketer, drawing on 20+ years' experience as a marketer for blue-chip brands the world over. She uses her advanced audience targeting and ad content methods to drive new sales and strong brands for editing clients whose scripts were impressive.
Managing ads for books is similar to promoting anything else; a clever ad catches the eye and persuades a sale. Annie's books became bestsellers by these methods. However great your book may be, how can people buy it if they don't know it's there?
Campaigns use a knowledgeable, creative approach, and intensive monitoring. Like stockmarket trading, a successful campaign is constantly watched, revised and re-pitched depending on market responses and fluctuations.
Many people misunderstand what Facebook advertising is all about, spending time and money looking for Facebook 'likes' and Fans. But for what purpose?
We believe that people who 'like' your page slurp up valuable time by wanting to chat. Annie's approach is fairly hands-off! You don't even need to like or use Facebook, to have success with Facebook marketing.
While a business Facebook page is a necessity in order to run an ad account, Annie uses a stealth approach, placing book ads directly onto the desktops, phones and tablets of your book's most relevant buyers. No chit-chat, just finely-tuned ads that entice.
This reward carries a value of up to £1,000 per selected author. If you find it works for you, we'd love a review on the authors' forum, KBoards.
Ads may be offered on a sole-advertiser basis (one author, one book), sole advertiser with links to a series of books, or our ads may span several authors in one hit.
A condition of accepting our Facebook ads offer is that you agree to us identifying your books on our website. Of course, your real name is not needed, just your author name.
Although the award is made in respect of a prior launch that impressed Annie, you may suggest a different book for this marketing campaign but it must be one we really like and support, since our brand is attached to the ads.
Authors who do not win a free offer may be included on a fee-paying basis, and this will help subsidise the free services within the Rewards.
One small note here:
Annie was hired in the not-too-distant past by many big brands when she was a strategic consultant, on the basis of having devised ad methods that were innovative and unusual.
Annie will not discuss ad methods with clients; just be aware they will have a big impact on your books but the methods are secret. :)
It has taken two decades to refine the ad strategies and so, if chosen for such a reward, you would simply pass Annie your book's cover, blurb, and any other artwork you have, and let Annie worry about ad content and placement.
We might also need to discuss the profiles of your regular readers, so we can target others like this, where you have this information to hand already from prior publications.
Ads will not appear on the Facebook page of Just Copyeditors--this is not based on post-sharing or similar; we own our Facebook page simply as page ownership is necessary for any advertiser.
Due to the colossal amount of time Fans would take up if we really started using the page for share-based marketing, all ads will run under their own steam and as paid separate entities from the page.
This is why you shouldn't expect to see Page activity; we are not targeting Fans and Likes, but placing our paid ads right on the screens of your audience. As such, ads run behind the scenes.
This initiative goes live in: April 2019, Week 4.
Two or three of our next six sign-ups for annual editing deals will be given Facebook ad slots.
Annie will choose the next six 'annual deal' authors especially carefully, looking for authors whose books deserve this showcase.
In addition, three existing clients will also be chosen.
Contact: editor@just-copyeditors.com / anniejai222@gmail.com